T Minus 230 Days

F irstly, thank you to everyone who has reached out to me after reading my last blog where I shared the sad news that my trip to climb Kilimanjaro would be delayed due to company organising the trip entering insolvency. Your kind words and support are greatly appreciated. However, in this update, I’m delighted to say that I have now rebooked the trip and head off to Tanzania on the 7 th October , just a mere 230 days away (or less depending on when you read this!). Thanks to the excellent Tour Compass , they have put together a schedule for me to ensure I have the best possible opportunity to make it to the summit, all 5,895 metres or just over 19,000 feet. As a result, the training continues, six days a week in the gym building up fitness, strength and resilience and as the weather improves, getting as much real world experience as possible, climbing both Snowdonia and Ben Nevis over the Spring/Summer months so that I am as ready as possible come October 7 th . If anyone wants to...