The Original BFG is Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro!

If you haven't heard the news yet, I (aka the Original BFG, pictured left) have signed up to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in June 2024. In taking on this challenge I will also be raising funds for a charity that I am a trustee of, namely HSO - Herts Schools Outreach

Before finding out about this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, I had no desire to climb any significant hills, peaks, or mountains, let alone the highest mountain in Africa and the fourth highest mountain in the world! However, when this opportunity came up, it took me all of 10 minutes to sign up to take part in it.

In taking on this utterly ridiculous challenge, I thought writing a regular blog alongside my training programme would be a useful way to track progress, keep all of you reading this up to date and let you know more about this challenge I have decided to undertake.

In the weeks to come, I will keep this blog up to date with the latest news from my training plan (lots of walking, hiking, and visits to the gym) along with other blogs about the challenge ahead and about the charity I am fundraising for Herts Schools Outreach. I'm sure there will be ups and downs over the next 11 or so months ahead of June 2024 and I hope that this blog, your support, and the lasting impact that this challenge will have on me and the charity will be the motivation I need to reach the summit next June. 

Once live, I will be sharing a link to donate if you would like to and if this blog has peaked your interest in climbing Kilimanjaro, click here and find out all the details. I guess that's about it for this introductory blog, please subscribe to keep up to date, follow me on social media, links below, and let me know how mad you think I am! Right, next week, the first week of training, and some rules I intend to follow during the next 11 months along this journey to (almost) the top of the world. 

See you along the trail!




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