T Minus 230 Days

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has reached out to me after reading my last blog where I shared the sad news that my trip to climb Kilimanjaro would be delayed due to company organising the trip entering insolvency. Your kind words and support are greatly appreciated.

However, in this update, I’m delighted to say that I have now rebooked the trip and head off to Tanzania on the 7th October, just a mere 230 days away (or less depending on when you read this!). Thanks to the excellent Tour Compass, they have put together a schedule for me to ensure I have the best possible opportunity to make it to the summit, all 5,895 metres or just over 19,000 feet.

As a result, the training continues, six days a week in the gym building up fitness, strength and resilience and as the weather improves, getting as much real world experience as possible, climbing both Snowdonia and Ben Nevis over the Spring/Summer months so that I am as ready as possible come October 7th. If anyone wants to join me on either trek, let me know!

Last week, I was delighted to be interviewed by Roberto Perrone on BBC Three Counties to talk about the challenge and more about the reasons why I am fundraising for the amazing charity, HSO. As I explained to Roberto, children and young people’s mental health is currently in a crisis point with statutory services unable to deal with the current demand they face. One statistic that highlights this increasing demand is that since 2020, CAMHS (Children and Adult Mental Health Services) has seen a 55% increase in emergency referrals for support with averages out at 600 per week across the UK suffering from deteriorating mental health.

As a result, the services that HSO provides, uniquely in Hertfordshire as the only charity providing early intervention support for CYP, are needed now more than ever before and all the funding raised through this challenge will go directly to supporting CYP to understand and tackle their mental health challenges, equipping them with the tools and strategies they need to believe in a better tomorrow and beyond. If you would like to listen back to my interview with Roberto, click here and skip to around the 15:12 mark, just after Fleetwood Mac, and you can hear the full interview.

That’s all from me this time and now over to you. Every pound that is raised through this fundraiser will have an incredible impact within our communities and that’s where I need you help. If you would like to, please donate through this link and help me get to my initial target of £3,000. Also, any support by sharing this blog and the fundraising link with others would be immensely appreciated.

With this journey having a few twists and turns already, who knows what will have happened by the time I come to write my next entry. However, what is for sure is that I will be closer to the summit than I am now and together, we can be nearer to a society where CYP can believe in a better tomorrow and beyond

See you along the trail…



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