The Journey So Far and The Journey Still to Come!

 An Apology and a Thank You

It's been a while since my last blog so firstly an apology. I said at the start of this that I would try and publish something on a regular basis, well that was the aim, life just got in the way. Anyway, with my epic challenge being just over six months away, I will try and update this on a more regular basis in 2024!

With the apologies out of the way, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me after reading my last blog, which you can still read by clicking here. I was quite open about some of my challenges in that blog and I want to thank everyone who reached out to me afterward and it's great to know that I have friends, colleagues, and people around me who I can turn to in times of challenge, I am sure there will be more of them in 2024 so thank you again!

Journey So Far and the Journey Still to Come

Since I last published a blog, I have kept up my training, going to the gym on a regular basis, three times a week, twice on a bad week! Not only has this helped with my physical health and fitness, being back under 20 stone for the first time in five years but now nearer 19 stone for the first time in nearly a decade, it has also helped improved my mental health and I now notice a difference to it when I do not go to the gym.

Additionally, I have started purchasing the kit I will need when climbing Kilimanjaro, boots, day bag and other bits. Part of the training involves me breaking in my boots making sure they are fit and comfortable ahead of the trek.

With my trek now just over six months away, the real training begins in a lot of ways:

  • I plan to step up my training regime in the gym, going six days a week rather than the two or three days previously.
  • I will also be doing as much as I can to prepare for the climb with a team training hike sometime in the new year and then as much time as I can breaking in the boots.
  • Spending my free time building up my mental resilience and strength which I know will be as important as my physical fitness.

Donate Now or Even Better, Join Us!

As much as this challenge is about me, it is really about raising as much money as possible for HSO – Herts Schools Outreach, an amazing charity I have the privilege to be a trustee and Vice Chair for. For those who are unaware, HSO is a mental health charity, based in Hertfordshire and work with schools to support and empower all children and young people across the UK, who are at risk of poor mental health to recognize early warning signs and prevent them from escalating into crises.

To be able to do so, we need your help:

  • I would love to come and chat to your community group, business or network about the challenge and the charity to raise awareness of the challenge and the work our charity does. Get in touch if you would be interested.
  • If you can, please donate through our fundraising page. I know times are challenging but every pound raised will enable us to support and empower more children and young people to believe in a better tomorrow. To donate, click here.
  • We are still looking for people to join Team HSO on this adventure so if you want the trip of a lifetime in 2024, get in touch and I will let you know all the details.

That is it from me, I would like to thank everyone who has donated so far and hope that I have inspired you to donate if you can or to join me on this epic adventure. Next time, more about the reason I and the rest of Team HSO are taking on this challenge with an introduction to and Q&A with the charity’s founder, CEO, and Team HSO member Michaela.

See you along the trail!


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