The Journey So Far and The Journey Still to Come!

An Apology and a Thank You It's been a while since my last blog so firstly an apology. I said at the start of this that I would try and publish something on a regular basis, well that was the aim, life just got in the way. Anyway, with my epic challenge being just over six months away, I will try and update this on a more regular basis in 2024! With the apologies out of the way, I would like to thank everyone who reached out to me after reading my last blog, which you can still read by clicking here . I was quite open about some of my challenges in that blog and I want to thank everyone who reached out to me afterward and it's great to know that I have friends, colleagues, and people around me who I can turn to in times of challenge, I am sure there will be more of them in 2024 so thank you again! Journey So Far and the Journey Still to Come Since I last published a blog, I have kept up my training, going to the gym on a regular basis, three times a week, twice on a ...